Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tropical Plants, Flowers, Fruit, and Feet.

Sketches from this week of tropical plants, flowers, fruit, and feet. ...mmm...everyones favorite.


Amy Winehouse Process

I thought I would post this since I came across it this morning. The portrait of Amy Winehouse was one that drove me nuts but really pushed me to come with a better image than I would have normally settled on. This ended up being my first promotional piece for both Workbook and and main image for my previous rep. As most artist would agree, the process and beginning work is as good if not better than the finished. Hope you like it.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Robert J. Lang

Origami master, mathematician, and physicist...oh my. Even with my enjoyment of origami I can honestly say I will never ever come close to his level of expertise in this art. I figured the best I can do is to draw him and leave it at that and enjoy his work from afar. His work can be viewed at