Saturday, August 21, 2010

Oily Fish

This the second illustration created about the oil in the Gulf of Mexico. A bit more of a subtle concept with the dead fish and the text. Wanted to try something a bit different in concept and in the overall look of the picture.

I've been painting in acrylics and oils to try and loosen up my style. Seems if one uses a pen too long without anything else the work becomes stiff and too tight.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Smores w/ a traditional background

Usually I don’t have the chance to try this but backgrounds have always given me trouble more than anything else. The last post was the smores version with the filled in computer color. That was fast, easy, and painless. The new post has the watercolor/ traditional background,which took some time because of drying time between layers. I am curious if any one prefers one over the other. I’m still undecided.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Smores, Type, and Textures...Oh My!

Focused on textures and fonts on this one. Even had to break out the aluminum foil for the candy wrapper for reference. The advertisement is for National Smores Day on Tuesday. Ironically there is also a national day for ice cream sandwiches also. The illustration is also a first for using the computer for the background color. I figured maybe it’s healthy to try something new and break away from the traditional for a minute or two.