Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Rock Stars of Key West

Took a while and a lot of hard work and a little research on this one. Key West, one of my favorite subjects  and a long car ride away from Sarasota (6-7 hours even though it looks like a quick drive on the map). Tried to fit as much as possible for the people who made the small island what it is today mostly through visual references. I included the process for this one.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Shark Attack

I have been working on this one off and on. Kept going back and adding little things here and there. The Goliath Grouper was the last of the additions.

Monday, September 8, 2014

One more for the road

Off to bed but just finished this one while watching "Twelve Years A Slave" last night. The drawing was made as I watched the movie so the likeness was a challenge since the subject was always moving. Good exercise though.

Lion Sketch & Final

Used Arches HP again and a few washes of watercolor. For a paper I used to want to run over with my car I really like it now. How time changes things.

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